Saturday, August 30, 2008


This morning I got to take pictures of my little friend Caden. I cannot believe how tall and grown up he is getting. Thank you Caden for spending the morning with me!! I had so much fun!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hello Dolly....

We took a trip down to South Padre in July. It was a quick trip because we had to evacuate the island due to a hurricane (Dolly) coming our way. BUMMMER!! I was really bummed that I did not get all the shots I wanted to take of Jackson's first beach experience:( We really only got about 1 1/2 days to enjoy it. Jackson loved the sand and liked to water in the pm when it was a bit warmer. Here are a few pics( I only took my camera down right before we had to skedaddle).

new happenings!

We have been going through many changes over the last couple of months and things have been pretty hectic around here (and there, and everywhere:) . Things have settled down and here is a little update:

We sold our Townhouse!! HOORAY!
We bought a new house and moved!! HOORAY!! HOORAY!!
We found out we are having another BABY!! HOORAY!! HOORAY!! HOORAY!!
Due in February so Jackson and the new baby will be almost exactly 2 years apart. I am about 15 weeks right now and finally getting through with "morning, noon, and night sickness." This is sickest I have ever been in my life!! Thank the GOOD LORD !!( I have been begging Him to end this part!!) We are super excited and will share news as we get it. We should find out what we are having in September. :) Pink or blue? What do you think?