We went to visit Grandma and Papa in Panna Maria, TX, last weekend and Jackson had a blast on things that go. He is fascinated by fire trucks right now and says" woooo-woooo!" when he sees one. It is SO cute! My mom had this in her toy box from when Dustin was a little tike. We had so much fun playing fire rescue!!
They bought him this great little rocking tractor!
Papa took Jackson for a real tractor ride.
I love you guys so much! Thank you for a great weekend.
Birdie took us all to the Houston Zoo on Tuesday!!
Tickle-tickle-tickle on the monkey toes!
and hands:)
Cinco was on the go!
Our three little monkeys were not as still and quiet:)
SNACK time! Jackson likes to save time and stuff as much in at one time as possible:)
We had a picnic in the park. The day was absolutely beautiful!! Jackson decided to make a pile of sticks.
Hudson decided to taste one:)
Cinco was exploring and interacting with nature. I wish I would've caught a shot of the ultra-tame squirrels. (It is hard to manage a one-year old and a camera at times.) One almost ran up my leg and grabbed my sandwich! Well at least that is what I thought he was about to do. I had to stomp my foot to back him up. They're really cute until they start invading your personal space! We also rode the train, but again... managing the camera on a train with a one-year-old is not easy!
Jackson LOVES shoes right now! He wants to wear his own shoes pretty much all day. He wants you to wear your own shoes pretty much all day, too! He will even put them on for you. He recently discovered that there are a lot of shoes in the closet and wanted to try them all on. But the shoes he loves the best are Daddy's. He is drawn to them right away. Thankfully he is not trying on my high heels! That could be dangerous! He loves his dad and pretty much repeats every action and word he observes of hears now. It is so neat watch them interact. Having Jackson in our lives is such a joy!
I went to visit my sweet friend Tami up in Spring. I am always amazed an the wisdom she has about life and especially parenting. I learn so much being around her. She is so calm, calming and just a breath of fresh air. Thank you, Tami for lunch and letting me snap some shots of your beautiful kids!! Love you!